“Every decision made in this company passes through the hands of the finance team”  

Ana Maria Sutescu

Business Improvement Manager

Business Improvement Manager

Ana Maria Sutescu joined Mega Image – Ahold Delhaize’s local brand in Romania – in June 2008. Almost 16 years later, she’s still working for the company. After holding many different positions, she now works for the European Business Services division in the role of Business Process Improvement Manager, focused on the entire Mega Image brand. “My role is all about helping my colleagues improve their day-to-day work.  It’s the greatest feeling to see our implementations work and actually benefit the people and department they were developed for.” 

When Ana Maria joined Mega Image – Ahold Delhaize’s local brand in Romania – in June 2008, she never imagined that she’d still be working for the business over 15 years later. In fact, she even doubted she’d get a job at the company in the first place, considering that her initial interview didn’t go that smoothly. “I worked as an accountant in my previous job, so the retail domain was new to me. I had to do both a personal interview with the CFO and a written test. When the CFO came to check in with me during the test, I told her that there were two questions I didn’t know how to answer. She sat down and explained them to me. In my mind, that gesture said a lot about the type of people who work for this company. That made me want to be part of the organization even more, but I wasn’t expecting much as I realized that my performance on the test hadn’t been great. I was thrilled when they called me a few days later to offer me the job!” 

Since those early days at Mega Image, Ana Maria has taken on various roles, which is the main reason she's never grown bored. "It feels like I've been given a new job every two to three years, but within the same company and with the same amazing people. With each new project, I’ve learned new processes and ways of working and I’ve met new people. It not only energizes me, but is also one of the most satisfying aspects of my work. Every day is different!" 

With her latest role change, Ana Maria became part of the European Business Services (EBS) finance department. EBS operates within Ahold Delhaize, helping the company’s different local brands achieve their strategic goals. “Since I made this move, my role has changed significantly. I’m now in the driver's seat much more than I was previously – making decisions and taking charge. It took some getting used to, but I’m really enjoying it.” 

Decisions made by Ana Maria have an impact on teams within Mega Image and on a group level. "At EBS, our goal is to standardize processes and structures as much as possible across European countries. One major project we're working on currently is the implementation of an information system specifically tailored for e-commerce solutions that was developed by our colleagues in the Netherlands. As a group, we aim to implement this system across all the European countries under our banner, starting here in Romania.

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The problem is that this country has strict legal regulations that make full implementation challenging. At the moment, we're using this system partially, in parallel with our current information system. The Business Process Improvement (BPI) team that I manage is exploring ways to meet legal requirements so we can fully implement the system, which would significantly improve the efficiency of e-commerce within the organization. One of the aspects of working for EBS that I enjoy most is the opportunity to interact with so many international colleagues. By observing and listening carefully to how they approach tasks and calculations, I’ve learned a great deal. We need those different perspectives to develop the best solutions.”

Understanding all the facets of the company

On the topic of learning, Ana Maria fondly recalls her involvement in the implementation of a new software system within the organization. Undertaken from 2016 to 2018, this was one of the largest implementation projects at the company to date. "It was incredibly interesting and informative. The team comprised representatives from every department, including IT, finance, logistics, HR, operations, and commerce. In a short period, I learned so much about the company, different teams’ processes, and how people thought and worked. 

The experience helped me to truly understand all the various facets of the company. It was an intense period, which made it all the more rewarding to see the implementation succeed. Previously, only the finance department used the system; now that the retail department is also relying on it, the foundation of the company is so much stronger and we can make much better decisions." 

“In this organization, the focus is always on the future. There's an incredible sense of ambition and a forward-looking mindset that drives everything. We’re always asking ourselves questions like, ‘How will what we're doing now help us to grow in the future?’ and ‘If this is our goal, what do we need to do to achieve it?’ As part of the finance department, we play a pivotal role in realizing these ambitions. Every decision made by the company has, at some point, gone through the hands of the finance department. People are unaware of the individuals or processes involved when their groceries are delivered to their door. While we may not be the ones transporting products to our warehouses, stores, or customers, without us, none of it would be possible. I see our department as a sort of walking dictionary, translating the language of other departments into financial terms. Every team has goals and ideals, and they rely on us to ensure that their plans comply with regulations and can be financed." 

Over the past few months, Ana Maria has been building her BPI team, which currently comprises  six members, with another person joining soon. "I'm thrilled with how the team has come together. Everyone is driven to achieve the best results, and we share that ambitious mindset. At the same time, we also prioritize supporting each other. As a manager, I believe that's crucial. In my view, a good manager is someone who understands people, supports them, and makes things happen. I hope my team sees me in that light – as a leader who helps them reach their goals, assists them when they're stuck, and encourages them to keep growing. In the same way I have been encouraged to keep growing over the past 16 years." 

In addition to her demanding job, Ana thoroughly enjoys spending time with her family. “I love being around my kids, cherishing each of their experiences and phases. We enjoy a variety of activities together, including cooking, playing games, immersing ourselves in nature, and discovering new places.” 


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Name: Ana Maria Sutescu (1982) 
Started working at Mega Image, Ahold Delhaize: June 2008 
Studied: MA Finance, Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (2004) 
Living with: My husband, Robert, and our daughter, Ilinca, and son, Filip  
Hobbies: Knitting and spending time with my family 
Wake me up in the middle of the night for: For anything that you consider important 
Favorite holiday destination: Câmpulung, a mountain city in the Romanian countryside 
Life-changing event: The births of my children 
Biggest source of inspiration: I draw inspiration from various sources, seeking insight from all my experiences and all the individuals I encounter. There's something to learn from everyone, both positive and negative. I try to instill this mindset in my children too, encouraging them to find inspiration in their surroundings 
Best advice I’ve ever received: ‘If something doesn’t go according to plan, allow yourself some time to be frustrated or mourn, and then get yourself together and move on’ 

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