"In this job, everything comes together. I don’t think I’d get all the chances Etos offers me anywhere else."  

Etos colleague smiling in a make up mirror

Jeanet Rook

Video Content Creator

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Picture this: you’re perfectly happy at work, but then stumble across a job spec that describes your dream role. And the application deadline expires that day. That’s exactly what happened to Jeanet Rook. She emailed her CV, motivation letter and a short video, without expecting too much of it. But, clearly, it was meant to be: she became the new Video Content Creator and Presenter for Etos. “In this job, everything comes together. I don’t think I’d get all the chances Etos offers me anywhere else.”  

Jeanet had always wanted to work in TV. As a young girl, she was already creating videos on Movie Maker. “One of my most vivid memories is of our primary school musical, which featured the role of a TV host. I wanted that role more than anything. As a kid, I was a lot of things, but definitely not shy, and mostly, very creative. I loved to paint artworks – I still do! These days, I like to illustrate on my iPad too. Recently, I masoned a brick wall for the first time. I’ve inherited the best of both worlds from my parents: my mother who likes to paint, and my dad, an avid DIYer. They always told me I could make virtually anything with my hands.”  

Having grown up in Vollenhove – a small town of 5,000 inhabitants in the rural eastern part of the Netherlands – for Jeanet, moving to Amsterdam at the age of 17 was quite a shock. “I landed an internship at MTV Network and was quite eager to leave my hometown. However, I was completely clueless when it came to big cities – I had never even been on a subway before. Luckily, I was able to stay at my uncle's apartment, which offered me the perfect opportunity to discover Amsterdam and build a life here. It was definitely love at first sight.”

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‘I knew it was me they were looking for’ 

After that internship, Jeanet went back to school to obtain her bachelor’s degree in journalism. Here, she found her happy place. “I got to create videos, host radio and TV shows, gather news at different places, and read from the autocue… everything I had always dreamt of doing. I knew this was the career for me.”  

Jeanet had been perfectly content in her role as a video editor at Talpa Network when she came across the job spec for Video Content Creator at Etos. “When I read the requirements, I knew it was me they were looking for. Minor issue: applications closed that night, and at that moment I was still at my parents’ house in Vollenhove – without my laptop. I rushed to Amsterdam, updated my CV, wrote a motivation letter and, as per instruction, shot – using my phone – a video clip in which I introduced myself. Had I spotted the ad a few days earlier, I would have done a much better job on that video. When I hit send at 2am, my expectations were low. It was a surprise to even be invited for an interview! It was quite a process – there were three rounds of interviews and a range of assignments to complete. So, when I was offered the job, I was over the moon.” 

A multimedia multi-talent 

Turns out Jeanet was right about this being her dream job. “In my role, I take ownership of the whole process. I set out a strategic plan, create new formats, decide who to interview, write scripts, do the research, interview people, and edit. When the video is uploaded, I post it on our different channels, such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Etos.nl. I am responsible for everything, end-to-end. The fact that I have ownership from A to Z is unique. I don’t think I’d have that opportunity at another company – where often you’re either an editor, host or the producer, but not all of them at once.”  

“All the content I make has a crystal-clear goal: helping women and their families to feel well, every day. They’re informed in an accessible way about healthcare, body and beauty, and, at the same time, we don’t shy away from taboos. We do this by interviewing specialists on medical issues, postpartum problems or how to put on eyeliner, for instance – and everything in between. It’s very important to me that our aim is always to help inform and guide people on wellness issues. I recently interviewed a dermatologist on a certain skin condition. A reader posted a reply, saying that this video really helped her. That’s exactly why I do what I do!”  

She shoots her videos in the Albert Heijn studio in Amsterdam. “I work very closely with Albert Heijn’s content team, from whom I learn a great deal. It’s one of the many perks of being part of a bigger organization like Ahold Delhaize: having access to so many experienced people available to assist. Aside from my work in the studio, I spend at least one or two days at our support office in Zaandam, where I brainstorm with the Marketing team on a more strategic level. My manager is a strategic mastermind who has taught me so much. I’ve also been guided by a presenter coach, and I have a mentor outside the company who advises me when it comes to editing, filming and creating new concepts. I love how Etos offers me room to come up with my own ideas and to experiment, and provides support and coaching for further self-development.”  

And the award for Best Talent goes to… 

Recently, Jeanet achieved a personal milestone: she was awarded the Best Talent Award by Dutch online platform “The Best Social Media.” She smiles. “I was surprised to even be nominated, let alone win it. Unbelievable. It’s a huge recognition, and great encouragement to learn more. I want to become an even better host and improve my strategic skills. With every new format and the content we make, I gain new skills. I’m really looking forward to what lies ahead at Etos.”  


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Name: Jeanet Rook (1993) 

Started working at Etos: April 2021 

Studied: BA Journalism (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, 2016) 

Hobbies: Painting, cooking, spending quality time with friends and family 

Wake me up in the middle of the night for: A really funny joke 

Favorite holiday destination: Thailand 

Life-changing event: Moving to Amsterdam and getting my dream job at Etos 

Best advice I’ve ever received: “Always stay yourself” 


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