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Kontrolor u Internet prodaji m/ž

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  • Ostalo
  • Commerce
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  • To be courageous
  • To live wholeheartedly
  • To keep growing
  • Timski rad
  • Timski igrač
  • Orijentisanost na ispunjenje ciljeva

How you can
make a difference

Razmišljate o novom karijernom koraku unutar naše kompanije? Na pravom ste mestu!


Naši zaposleni su naš najvažniji i najveći kapital i zajedno igramo ključnu ulogu u realizaciji kontinuiranog uspeha poslovanja i dostizanja strateških ciljeva Delhaize Serbia.


Ukoliko te karakterišu timski duh, ambicioznost, želja za kontinuiranim razvojem i napretkom, želeli bismo da te upoznamo.


Čekamo baš tebe!


Naš kontrolor u internet prodaji: 


- Sprovodi kvalitativnu i kvantitativnu kontrolu robe koja je komisionirana i spremna za isporuku ka kupcima
- Kontroliše povrat robe od kupaca i sa terena i sprovodi sve potrebne mere kako bi se adekvatno postupilo sa vraćenom robom
- Sprovodi kvalitativnu i kvantitativnu kontrolu ambalaže utovarene u vozilo kao i ambalaže koja se vrati iz razvoza
- Evidentira, prati i koriguje greške koje se dogode prilikom komisioniranja porudžbina
- Kontroliše očuvanje hladnog lanca robe koja je spremna za utovar i isporuku ka kupcima ( pakovanje u adekvatne kutije, broj rashladnih gelova )
- Prati i koriguje kvalitet spakovane robe kao i način skladištenja robe u različitim temperaturnim režimima
- Kontroliše ispravnost dokumentacije koja prati robu
- Istovara i utovara robu pomoću viljuškara
- Stara se o pravilnom slaganju robe na paleti prilikom komisioniranja, istovara i prepakivanja vodeći računa o rokovima i lomljivosti robe
- Stara se za manipulaciju paletama


I poseduje: 


Stepen stručne spreme: III

Vrsta stručne spreme: Trgovačka i druga



Vaša prijava


U Delhaize Serbia naši zaposleni su naša prednost broj jedan, najveći kapital koji nam omogućuje da uvek budemo bolji i uspešno realizujemo naše strateške ciljeve. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da postanete karika našeg neraskidivog lanca uspeha, pošaljite nam svoju biografiju.


Radujemo se Vašoj prijavi na https://karijera.delhaizeserbia.rs/otvorene-pozicije.


Svaki naš zaposleni je tretiran pravično, sa poštovanjem i dostojanstvom.

Pružamo jednake mogućnosti i posvećeni smo zapošljavanju, osposobljavanju, nagrađivanju i promovisanju osoba u skladu sa njihovim individualnim talenatima i sposobnostima. Prihvatamo raznolikost i jednake mogućnosti su usmerene na sve zaposlene i buduće zaposlene bez obzira na rasu, boju, pol, veru, godine, poreklo, porodični status, status veterana, seksualnu orijentaciju, invaliditet ili bilo koji drugi kriterijum zabranjen važećim saveznim, državnim, lokalnim ili međunarodnim zakonima

matters to us?

Ahold Delhaize is one of the world’s largest food retail groups and a leader in both supermarkets and e-commerce. Together, we help people eat well, save time and live better – it’s how we make a difference. And we do it because we care: for our customers, our people and the world around us.

Be courageous

"I realized how much impact you can truly have as an individual, working for such a huge international company.”

Live wholeheartedly 

“The support this company has always offered means the world to me."

Keep growing

“I feel the freedom to show initiative, propose changes and try new things. Having that freedom gave me wings to fly.”

Meet your colleagues

What our selection
process looks like?



Share your enthusiasm for Ahold Delhaize or of our great local brands — explain why do you want to work for us and how you can add value. Your goal is to engage the hiring manager and to get them thinking about you as a potential new hire. Give it your all!


Job interview(s)

After you have been selected and depending on the role, you will be invited for one or more job interviews. The job interview, which is a two way conversation, will take place online (via Teams) or at the office. You will be informed by the recruiter. This is your moment to shine (but you always do ofcourse)


Online Assessment

When both parties would like to continue the conversation you will be invited for an online assessement, also known as pre-employment tests. The purpose of the test is helping hiring manager determine whether a candidate has the skills, work style, knowlegde of personality to succeed in a the role. 


Job Offer

We are thrilled to get you onboard and would like to offer you the job. In this phase we start the conversation about the details which comes with the job, such as compensation, benefits and other contract details. 


Welcome the Ahold Delhaize family

We do our utmost for you to feel at home, heard and valued and encourage you to be courageous, live wholehearted and keep growing. Therefore, we start the (pre)onboarding process as soon as you accepted the job offer. This process includes a technical and functional onboarding within Ahold Delhaize or our great familiy of local brands. 

Need help with application or orientation?

Hello, send me a message and I'll be happy to help you

Marina Nikolić

Talent Acquisition Partner

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